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Title: Essentials of Business Analytics: An Introduction to the Methodology and its Applications
Authors: Pochiraju, Bhimasankaram
Seshadri, Sridhar
Keywords: Business Analtyics
Data Analysis
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Springer
Description: This comprehensive edited volume is the first of its kind, designed to serve as a textbook for long-duration business analytics programs. It can also be used as a guide to the field by practitioners. The book has contributions from experts in top universities and industry. The editors have taken extreme care to ensure continuity across the chapters. The material is organized into three parts: A) Tools, B) Models and C) Applications. In Part A, the tools used by business analysts are described in detail. In Part B, these tools are applied to construct models used to solve business problems. Part C contains detailed applications in various functional areas of business and several case studies. Supporting material can be found in the appendices that develop the pre-requisites for the main text.
ISBN: 978-3-319-68837-4
Appears in Collections:Business & Management_Springer

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